After-sales service and real estate maintenance

SMM Investment Consulting Group provides clients with high-quality real estate services, namely:

  • Care of the house, apartment in your absence;
  • Assistance in purchasing furniture and home electrical equipment or in replacing it with a more modern one;
  • Renting out your real estate;
  • Construction and repair works of any complexity, reconstruction, gentrification of house territories, interior decoration;
  • Receiving your mail;
  • Plumbing repair;
  • Informing about the need to pay taxes on housing, motor transport or other personal payments;
  • Forwarding extracts from the Register of Real Estate Owners and any other documents by e-mail;
  • Drafting, registration, prolongation and renewal of contracts with public utilities (electricity, water, gas, telecommunications, security systems).
Давайте мы пришлем вам цены, планировки и расчеты доходности проекта. А вы всегда сможете задать дополнительный вопрос менеджеру.
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