Organization of a study tour of the objects

SMM company invites you to a study tour of the region in order to study in detail the real estate objects that are most interesting to you, as well as to get acquainted with the infrastructure of the region, beaches, surroundings, which will help you ultimately choose housing that best meets your requirements.

The study trip includes

  • transfer from the airport to the hotel and departure to the airport;
  • Free trip to real estate sites all along the coast;
  • Your manager will pick you up every day from the hotel or apartment where you will be staying, and take you to show the objects, and bring you back after the inspection;
  • No more than 6-8 objects are offered for viewing per day. Practice shows that if you view more, as a rule, much will not be remembered, and physically customers get very tired;
  • The study tour also includes a free overview of the beaches and infrastructure of the region and consultations on the purchase of real estate.
Давайте мы пришлем вам цены, планировки и расчеты доходности проекта. А вы всегда сможете задать дополнительный вопрос менеджеру.
И мы с вами не потеряемся!
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