Turkish citizenship for the purchase of real estate in 2024!

15 advantages of Turkish citizenship:

  1. The possibility of obtaining citizenship without entering or staying in the country.
  2. The fastest citizenship with an investment program. Citizenship in just 6 months!
  3. Visa-free regime in more than 111 countries, including Singapore, Japan, Qatar and South Korea
  4. The possibility of living in the UK with a visa of Turkish businessmen
  5. Possibility to obtain an E-2 visa in the USA
  6. The spouse and children can get citizenship together with the investor. Citizenship is inherited
  7. A safe and friendly country for foreigners
  8. Modern health and education systems:
    - Free medical care is available to all Turkish citizens
    - Free school and university education
  9. Stable government and a developing economy
  10. No taxes on global income for non-residents
  11. Special benefits and tax discounts for foreign investors
  12. The right to come to the country at any time, even if the borders are closed
  13. Turkey is on the list of candidates for EU membership
  14. Turkey recognizes dual citizenship
  15. Investors will be able to obtain a Schengen visa of category C‑2 for up to five years


Conditions for obtaining Turkish citizenship for investments in 2024.

400 000 $

Minimum investment in real estate for citizenship

Family members, in particular the spouse and children, can obtain a second Turkish citizenship at the same time as the investor.

Changes since 01.01.2024:

  • You can apply for Turkish citizenship for investments on the basis of one purchase — one contract of sale of an object. At the same time, the number of Turkish real estate objects purchased under citizenship is still unlimited. 
  • You can get a passport after purchase only when the property has a TAPU – an act of registration of the object in the land registry, which confirms the ownership of the property.
  • It is forbidden to apply for citizenship to equity holders — persons who make equal contributions for real estate in Turkey, necessary for obtaining citizenship. Now one object under citizenship must have one owner (and his family).
  • You cannot buy real estate from a legal entity if half of the company's shares belong to a foreigner.
  • Real estate can be used to obtain citizenship only once. Another foreigner will not be able to obtain citizenship by purchasing the same object.
  • When buying a secondary property, it must be owned by a Turkish citizen for at least three years, and the first foreign owner must not be a participant in the citizenship program.
  • The contract for the purchase of foreign currency for the purchase of real estate in Turkey will be concluded after prepayment and no later than the date of conclusion of the contract of sale of the object.

To understand all the subtleties of real estate investment yourself is not an easy task. We will be happy to help you resolve your issues and get the coveted Turkish citizenship as soon as possible!

Necessary documents for obtaining a residence permit in Turkey

  • Document on the ownership of real estate (tapu).
  • Earthquake property insurance.
  • Valid international passport for a period of at least six months.
  • A statement about the children's family, translated into Turkish and certified by the Turkish Embassy in their native country.
  • Medical insurance in Turkey for each family member.

Important! When choosing an apartment or a house, you need to use the services of professional managers and /or purchase real estate from a developer. Contact CMM Investment Consulting group for help and we will select the best property in Turkey and help you get a residence permit or citizenship!

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