CMM Investment Consulting Group is a unique company that has become a full-cycle company for 15 years of its work: from the creation of the idea and concept of a real estate object, to its construction and transfer to the buyer.

The vast experience of SMM Investment Consulting Group in the international market allows us to boldly declare that we are one of the leaders in this field.

We work intensively in the Turkish market, traditionally one of the most attractive areas for buying housing by the sea and commercial real estate. Three years of studying the Turkish market and five years of fruitful work have allowed us to study in detail the most interesting offers from various regions of the coast, to build a wide network of partners who offer our clients the most attractive prices, both for new objects and for secondary real estate.

The company CMM Investment Consulting Group has a number of great advantages that are obvious when choosing a company with which you would like to work.

  • Unique work experience based on years of successful practice

  • Excellent reputation of the company, confirmed by positive reviews and recommendations of our customers

  • Unique offers for buying real estate all along the coast of Turkey, including from developers; 

  • Transparency of transactions and high-quality legal services; 

  • Best after-sale service.

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